Sistem Pemerintahan Indonesia: Pendekatan Teori dan Praktik

Ahmad Yani
Juli 2018


Indonesia's presidential system requires the separation of powers (executive, legislative and judiciary) as it is based on checks and balances. It is stated in the Indonesian Constitution, but it still needs further reform, particularly on the limitation of such tripartite powers. This article uses legal research to analyse and discuss theoretical and practical issues on the governmental system of Indonesia. Theoretically, the authority of state institutions in Indonesia encourages an executive-centered government system. In fact, in carrying out functions and authorities, state institutions do not reflect that the Indonesian system of government embraces the separation of powers. In addition, this study recommends the need for refinement and improvement efforts, to enforce ideal concept and practice.
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Lentera Hukum

Issue No.2 vol.5, Juli 2018
  • Diterbitkan oleh UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember
cover jurnal Lentera Hukum
p-ISSN 2355-4673
e-ISSN 2355-4673