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The attempt to purify Indonesia's multiparty presidential system was only reflected after the Third Amendment to the 1945 Constitution. However, it took work to implement it. In practice. Various measures have been taken, including party alliances and introducing voting barriers in parliamentary elections. Therefore, analysing the relationship between electoral thresholds and their ideal proportions in the form of legal-political reforms to strengthen the Indonesian presidential system is interesting. This is in line with the purpose of this study, which is to uncover and analyse the legal politics of electoral thresholds in an attempt to strengthen the presidential system of government in Indonesia. The approach adopted in this study is a theoretical approach with legal, conceptual, comparative and historical approaches. This study concludes that the legitimate political renewal of the electoral vote threshold is not closely related to efforts to strengthen Indonesia's system of multiparty presidential government. The ideal way to reform the legal, political threshold for electoral votes would be to set the parliamentary threshold at 2.5%, but at the same time tighten controls over the parties participating in the election, and the 2.5% threshold serves as President to maintain a balance between the parliamentary and presidential thresholds.In addition, it is also important to strengthen consensus (consensus democracy) among coalition political parties. There is still a desire to abolish the presidential threshold through the People's Representative Council (DPR) instead of the Constitutional Court (MK).
This research aims to reconceptualize the recruitment of election organizers based on Law Number 10 of 2017 concerning General Elections to realize an election organizer with integrity. This normative juridical research uses conceptual and statute approach. The results shows that the reconceptualization of the recruitment of election organizers to realize election organizers with integrity can be carried out by reconceptualizing of the process of requirements for candidates election organizer in provincial and district, selection teams and test models. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan rekonseptualisasi rekruitmen penyelenggara pemilu berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemilihan Umum untuk mewujudkan penyelenggara pemilu yang berintegritas. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini menggunakan pendekatan konsep dan perundang-undangan. Hasilnya adalah rekonseptualisasi rekruitmen penyelenggara pemilu untuk mewujudkan penyelenggara pemilu yang berintegritas dapat dilakukan dengan rekonseptualisasi proses persyaratan calon anggota KPU provinsi dan kabupaten/Kota, tim seleksi dan model tes.
Settlement of crimes by the criminal justice subsystem as a whole often does not run optimally. The position of the subsystems that are under the executive branch is sometimes used as a tool by the authorities to achieve their political goals regardless of the prevailing legal principles. This study aims to provide an overview of the position and function of criminal justice subsystems and focuses on finding the ideal system concept so that the implementation of an independent criminal justice system can be optimally realized by implementing a systems approach and restructuring the legal system. This study uses a normative juridical research method with a statute approach which is studied using a descriptive analysis. Based on the research results, the components of the criminal justice subsystem seem separate from one another, giving rise to sectoral egos and not yet showing the independence of each criminal justice subsystem. On that basis, to create an integrated, free and independent criminal justice system without any influence from power, it must provide a clear space for judicial independence (judicial power), thus placing the Supreme Court as the supervisor and controller of the entire criminal law enforcement process. The criminal justice subsystems must be under one door, not fragmented in other state institutions so that it is hoped that these subsystems can work optimally and be free from the influence of power.
This article aimed to analyze the role and chances of the Wali Nanggroe in its involvement in international peace and its relation to the implementation of special autonomy in Aceh. One of the functions mandated by the qanun (local laws) of Wali Nanggroe Institution is participation in local, national, and international peace. The participation of Wali Nanggroe Institution to be part of regional, national and international peace is an exciting study because most of Wali Nanggroe's members are currently former officials and former combatants of the Free Aceh Movement. This research will analyze the opportunities of the Wali Nanggroe Institute in its involvement in the world and its relation to the implementation of special autonomy in Aceh. This research shows the peace will continue after the peace agreement because many Acehnese leaders, former GAM leaders, believe that the MOU can bring Aceh to a self-government system through a peaceful and democratic process. that several opportunities can be used by it to carry out the function of peace, among others, the first is strong support from local political parties because Wali Nanggroe is an "old man" in Aceh; Third, good relations between Wali Nanggroe and foreign countries or bodies, as well as Wali Nanggroe's own experience in the negotiation process with the Government of Indonesia to realize the understanding of the Helsinki MoU in Finland.
Legal policy of the village regulation (Law number 6 year 2014) is remain inconsistent with legal policy constitution.The Methods of research is normative juridical approach and analyse the secondary data and information gathered. The results indicated that the legal policy of village regulation stipulate that educational requirements for village heads should be minimum of high school or its equivalent; village heads tenure should be two period only; and the rural development planning of village does not necessary brought to the same direction or template of the planning from higher government level such as regency. Politik hukum pengaturan mengenai desa yang tertuang dalam Undang Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa ternyata masih mengandung inkonsistensi terhadap politik hukum dalam konstitusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan data sekunder sebagai sumbernya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan desa ke depan seharusnya memperhatikan persyaratan pendidikan kepala desa minimal sekolah lanjutan atas, rentang masa jabatan kepala desa, dan perencanaan pembangunan desa tidak memaksakan untuk mengacu pada perencanaan pembangunan daerah di atasnya.
Candidate of Chief of Local Government in local election is not can only nominated by political party or alliance of political parties, but it can nominated by individual. The masterpiece of chief of local government as a transformative leader is synchronization of local government system based on political system and presidential of democracy, according to commendation of UUD 1945. The worried that existence of individual candidate susceptible peeps out problems for stabilization of presidential government-system because that it doesn't get political support from Local Parliament simply unprovable in Garut district. Political relation between Chief of Local Government and Local Parliament as element of local government-management based on the relation of parallelism and partnership in the effort to get public prosperous.
Constitutionally Indonesia adopted a presidential system of government, proportional electoral system and embrace multi-party system. Until now, the democratic government built yet stable, this is not apart from the three buildings is not compatible. The formulation of the constitution mandated a presidential system proved difficult in practice, even walking is less effective especially supported by the weak performance and presidential institution in maintaining political stability. Thus the need to design an effective presidential system of government with an realignment both institutional and non institutional.
Local Government in carrying out his government given the authority to establish regional regulation. On the other hand a lot of local regulations by the central government canceled due to conflict with higher laws, contrary to the public interest, leading to high cost economy and hamper access to people's economy. This happens as a consequence of the shape our country is a unitary state, where the central government has the right to exercise control over local regulations established by the region. The implication is that the cancellation regulations, then the area should revoke the relevant regulations and if violated, the sanction in the form of suspension or withholding the General Allocation Fund (DAU), as well as the loss in terms of both time and financial, on the other hand in the formation of the regulations to be careful not to be canceled by the central government. Pemerintahan Daerah dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahannya diberikan kewenangan untuk membentuk Peraturan Daerah. Di sisi yang lain banyak peraturan daerah yang dibatalkan oleh pemerintah pusat lantaran bertentangan dengan peraturan yang lebih tinggi, bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum, menyebabkan ekonomi biaya tinggi dan menghambat akses ekonomi rakyat. Hal tersebut terjadi sebagai konsekuensi dari bentuk negara kita adalah negara kesatuan, dimana pemerintah pusat berhak untuk melakukan kontrol terhadap perda-perda yang dibentuk oleh daerah tersebut. Implikasinya bahwa dengan dibatalkannya perda tersebut, maka daerah harus mencabut perda yang bersangkutan dan jika dilanggar, maka sanksinya berupa penundaan atau pemotongan Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), serta terjadi kerugian baik dari segi waktu maupun finansial, di sisi yang lain dalam pembentukan perda semakin berhati-hati agar tidak dibatalkan oleh pemerintah pusat.
The justice's argument and welfare which buiided by Mahkamah Konstitusi whose grant opened the independent stripe is already moved power paradigm in local election. The rubbing from old paradigm who seat political party as on of access in nomination of head or deputy of a district to be a new paradigm that the power in nomination of head or deputy of a distric not finished to divided by political party, but that power also give truth for individual to participant in nomination of hear or deputy of a district
Indonesia telah meratifikasi Charter Of The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengesahan Piagam ASEAN. Secara otomatis menjadikan Indonesia terikat dan memiliki kewajiban untuk tunduk pada perjanjian internasional. Di tengah carut-marut wajah kehidupan bangsa saat ini, apalagi dengan hadirnya arus globalisasi yang semakin nyata. Kini semua orang sadar bahwa dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara harus kembali bersandar pada kesepakatan yang disebut Pancasila. Publik Indonesia-pun berpendapat bahwa harus ada upaya sistematik, masif, dan terstruktur untuk menghadapi arus globalisasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sejauhmana upaya politik hukum Pancasila. Lebih khusus dalam menghadapi arus globalisasi ekonomi yang sedang dihadapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian yang diikuti dengan beberapa saran juga akan diuraikan.