Constitutional Court in Indonesia


This idea is a reflection of the aspiration of the lndonesian people to build up a democratic and justice society. The problem is where is the position of this institution in our state structure? The author express the alternative outlook that place "Pengadilan Tata Negara" (as the translation of Constitutional Court) under the Supreme Court and paralel with the four courts sub-system; not separate from the Supreme Court which is used the term "Mahkamah Konstitusi" as the other translation of the word Constitutional Court. To make this idea come true, the House of People's Representative (DPR) must use their right to amendment the Law No. 14/1970, especially the article on the structure of Indonesian court.

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Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

Issue No.5 vol.26, Juni 2017
  • Diterbitkan oleh Badan Penerbit FHUI
cover jurnal Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan
p-ISSN 0125-9687
e-ISSN 2503-1465